Hosting & Support Services

There are significant benefits to having a single company manage both the front-end and back-end of your website. It can dramatically reduce website downtime, training costs, and headaches. If there is an issue that needs to be resolved, it can be handled much more expeditiously when dealing with one entity.

CAL Design provides a complete web hosting solution that keeps sites running quickly and limits costly downtime. Our dedicated hosting team has extensive experience and training working with hosting services. If there’s an issue on your site or server, just contact us and we’ll solve the issue for you.

Our Hosting Partner

For our WordPress hosting we use a premium hosting service called flywheel. There are many advantages for using them and here are just a few:

Free malware removal
Strong password enforcement
Limited login attempts
Intelligent IP blocking
Managed WordPress updates
No need for security plugins

Tuned for WordPress
Custom server configurations
Caching optimized for WordPress

Blazing Speed
Scalable to millions of visitors
Expert performance assessments
No need for caching plugins

Nightly Backups
Take a snapshot at any time
One click restores
No need for backup plugins